Pauline Book Centre
Books > Theology > Theology Books
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Christian Understandings of Creation: The Historical Trajectory
author/artist: DENIS EDWARDS
publisher: Fortress Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$49.95
Christianity as a Way of Life: A Systematic Theology
author/artist: KEVIN W HECTOR
publisher: Yale U Press
binding: HARDBACK
price: AU$61.95
Christianity in a Nutshell
author/artist: LEONARDO BOFF
publisher: Orbis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$36.95
Christians: The Urgent Case for Jesus in Our World
author/artist: GREG SHERIDAN
publisher: Allen & Unwin
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$34.99
Church: Community for the Kingdom
author/artist: JOHN FUELLENBACH
publisher: Orbis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$59.95
Claiming Your Voice: Speaking Truth to Power
author/artist: NORVENE VEST
publisher: Liturgical Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$49.95
Come Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and the Earth
author/artist: ELIZABETH A JOHNSON
publisher: Orbis
binding: HARDBACK
price: AU$59.95
Communication and the Gospel
author/artist: JOHN HOLDSWORTH
publisher: Darton Longman and Todd
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$5.00
Community of Missionary Disciples: The Continuing Creation of the Church
author/artist: STEPHEN BEVANS
publisher: Orbis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$89.95
Concentrated Creation: Creation and Salvation in the Christology of Edward Schillebeeckx
author/artist: RHONA LEWIS
publisher: Bloomsbury
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$59.99
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