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Books > Children > Children's Books

Eli's Quiet Friend
ISBN-10: 0819831727
ISBN-13: 9780819831729
Publisher: Pauline Books Media USA
Price: AU$45.95
Description: Awaken children to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist with this heartwarming story by Sr Allison Regina Gliot, FSP. Told from the perspective of a young boy on the autism spectrum, this book tenderly and whimsically explores the reality of God's love, the challenge of hearing God amid the chaos of life, and the childlike trust that belongs to our vocation as children of God.

Books > Ministry & Parish Life > Ministry Books

A New Parish Guide to Grief Ministry: Creative Ways to Implement a Program of Healing and Growth
ISBN-10: 1627857753
ISBN-13: 9781627857758
Publisher: Twenty Third Pub
Price: AU$49.95
Description: This eight-session parish grief program was developed with a unique approach to ministering to people walking through grief. The use of music, art, poetry, and Scripture offer a variety of ways to process and explore bereavement and is especially sensitive to the needs of the participants.

This multi-faceted guide will renew your pastoral ministry grief program and bring hope and healing to parishioners facing the long and lonely path of loss.

Books > Psychology > Psychology Books

The Lost Art of Listening: How Learning to Listen Can Improve Relationships Third Edition
ISBN-10: 1462542743
ISBN-13: 9781462542741
Publisher: Guilford Press
Price: AU$45.95
Description: Truly listening and being heard is far from simple, even between people who care about each other. This revised bestseller from experienced therapists analyses how any conversation can go off the rails and provides essential skills for building mutual understanding. Thoughtful, witty, and empathic, the book is filled with vivid examples, easy-to-learn techniques, and practical exercises for working through tough emotions and navigating differences of all kinds.

This third edition also reflects the huge impact of technology and social media on relationships, and gives advice for talking to loved ones across social and political divides.

Books > Spirituality > Spirituality Books

Nurturing Ecological Conversion: A Group Retreat Based on the Wisdom of Laudato Si
ISBN-10: 0829460136
ISBN-13: 9780829460131
Publisher: Loyola Press
Price: AU$52.95
Description: This faith-filled retreat for groups - parishes, schools, religious communities, retreat centres, and more - nurtures ecological conversion by immersing participants in prayerful listening, personal engagement, and discernment. Each of the eight sessions offers spiritual exercises that promote contemplative ecology at the service of care for our common home.

Interwoven through all the sessions are scripture quotes, passages from Laudato Si', poetry, words from environmentalists and thinkers, and images from within and outside the Christian tradition. Included is a guide for facilitators and retreatants to enable healthy conversations and encourage participation.

Books > Theology > Australian Society

Murriyang: Song of Time
Author/Artist: STAN GRANT
ISBN-10: 1761427903
ISBN-13: 9781761427909
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Price: AU$39.99
Description: Stan Grant is talking to his country in a new way. In his most poetic and inspiring work yet, he offers a means of moving beyond the binaries and embracing a path to peace and forgiveness, rooted in the Wiradjuri spiritual practice of Yindyamarra - deep silence and respect.

Murriyang, in part Stan Grant's response to the Voice referendum, eschews politics for love. In this gorgeous, grace-filled book, he zooms out to reflect on the biggest questions, ranging across the history, literature, theology, music and art that has shaped him. Setting aside anger for kindness, he reaches past the secular to the sacred and transcendent.

Informed by spiritual thinkers from around the world, Murriyang is a Wiradjuri prayer in one long uninterrupted breath, challenging Western notions of linear time in favour of a time beyond time - the Dreaming.

Murriyang is also very personal, each meditation interleaved with a memory of Grant's father, a Wiradjuri cultural leader. It asks how any of us can say goodbye to those we love.

This is a book for our current moment, and something for the ages.

Books > Theology > Philosophy

Life is Hard: How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way
Author/Artist: KIERAN SETIYA
ISBN-10: 1529156165
ISBN-13: 9781529156164
Publisher: Random House
Price: AU$29.99
Description: Life is hard, from personal trauma to the injustice and absurdity of the world, sometimes simply going on can feel too much.

In this profound and personal book, Professor of Philosophy, Kieran Setiya, shows how philosophy can help us find our way. He shares his own experience with chronic pain and the consolation that comes from making sense of it. He asks what we can learn from loneliness and loss about the value of human life. And he explores how we can fail with grace, confront injustice, and search for meaning in the face of despair.

Drawing on ancient and modern philosophy, Life is Hard is a work of solace and compassion. It draws us towards justice, for ourselves and others, by acknowledging what it means to be alive.

Philosophers Who Changed History
Author/Artist: DK
ISBN-10: 0241656826
ISBN-13: 9780241656822
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley
Price: AU$55.00
Description: A richly illustrated exploration of the lives, ideas, and legacies of some of the most influential thinkers throughout history. Featuring stunning portraits of each philosopher, along with photographs of their homes, studies, and personal artifacts, this book provides a unique, intimate glimpse into the minds and worlds of those who reshaped human understanding.

Spanning from the Classical era to the present day, each biographical entry not only delves into the key philosophical ideas and working methods of these thinkers but also uncovers the personal relationships, friendships, loves, and rivalries that shaped their thinking. By placing these figures within the historical context of their time and surroundings, the book offers readers an engaging and accessible look at what inspired these philosophers to challenge conventional wisdom and develop groundbreaking concepts.

The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor
ISBN-10: 0268203482
ISBN-13: 9780268203481
Publisher: University of Notre Dame
Price: AU$59.95
Description: In The Whole Mystery of Christ, Wood offers a groundbreaking historical and systematic study of Maximus Confessor, one of the most influential theologians of the early Church. Wood examines Maximus's complex theological vision, especially his belief that "the Word of God, very God, wills always and in all things to actualize the mystery of his Incarnation."

The book explores Maximus's thought within the context of earlier church fathers, Christological and Trinitarian debates, monastic practices, and contemporary philosophy. Wood delves into key theological themes, including creation, the relationship between God's creation and Christ's Incarnation, deification, grace, and the nature of personhood. A central claim of the book is Maximus's view of creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing) as creatio ex Deo (creation out of God) through the Word's kenosis (self-emptying). This work serves as both an in-depth exploration of Maximus's theology and a corrective to previous theological interpretations, offering a significant contribution to patristic scholarship.

Books > Theology > Theology Books

Meditations on Holy Week
ISBN-10: 1923006800
ISBN-13: 9781923006805
Publisher: ATF Press
Price: AU$27.95
Description: In these meditations on Holy Week, Anthony J Kelly CSsR offers that kind of defamiliarisation, in order to see and understand Holy Week, its events, its characters, its images, in new ways.

As the meditations unfold, you can sense Fr Kelly's own astonishment at what is happening and what it means; and into this astonishment he invites the reader. He leads us far beyond "just another Holy Week" to a new experience of Holy Week, almost as if for the first time. The all too familiar appears in all its strangeness; and as it does a sense of astonishment emerges.
Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Brisbane

The Way of Jesus: Cross and Passion
ISBN-10: 1923006169
ISBN-13: 9781923006164
Publisher: ATF Press
Price: AU$24.95
Description: Anthony J Kelly's passionate and faith-filled book continues his long-standing story-telling practice. Although not exactly a "story", it depends upon the fundamental story of the Christian phenomenon to engage with all who may have the good fortune to take this book in their hands.

Francis J Moloney, in the preface to this book states:
It is from a graced experience of a friendship and collaboration over many years that I introduce readers to this remarkable book. I can only point to several elements in the book that make it unique. At the heart of any assessment of the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus lies the question: what sort of life did Jesus live, and what did he say and do that led to his eventual execution? For many years, in lectures, conferences and retreats, Tony has sketched his "life of Jesus" in what he called a "meditation". His sketch has always left a profound impression.

This book's opening section, "Preparation: The Way of Jesus", makes it available for a wide reading audience.
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