A variety of video clips for the RE classroom and some ideas for prayer and liturgy. The DVD contains 18 video clips and 5 of Andrew's picture books. It is an ideal RE resource for use with smartboards. It also has the option to display lyrics below the pictures.
Songs for the Classroom and Celebrations: *Shine Among Them *Be Glorified Praise *An African Blessing *Rainbow *Arky Arky
Songs For Reflection: *Maranatha *I Light A Candle *Come Back To Me *You Are My Rock *Tell The Good News
Songs for Praise and Scripture: *We Are The Body Of Christ *In The Footsteps of Jesus *Walk Humbly With God *I Have Called You By Name *Let Your Light Shine
Extras: *I Light A Candle *The Face Of God *Hand To Hand
eBooks: *In The Beginning *I Am The River *Rainbow *Under Your Star *St Mary MacKillop- Beneath a Cross of Stars
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