Pauline Book Centre


Praying with the Masters Today 2 CD Meditatio Talks Series 2018 B
Category: Talks > Audio Talks > Audio Talks
ISBN / ID: 9789811176449
Publisher: Medio Media
Price: AU$12.95
Description: These talks recapture the riches of the mystical tradition for the contemporary world. Bernard McGinn draws on the experience and writings of the Christian mystics who saw the mystical or contemplative practice as crucial to what it means to be human. He describes the mystical element as necessary to a balanced religious personality, integrating with the institutional and intellectual elements but also bringing something to the whole. In the first volume, McGinn traces the development of the contemplative tradition as found in the early church. This volume traces contemplation as represented by the modern mystics including the Carthusians, the Cistercians, Meister Eckhart, and others. The insights of these great teachers are an important resource for those drawn to contemplative prayer.
1. The Carthusians and the Cistercians
2. Lectio Divina
3. Meditatio and Oratio
4. Contemplatio
5. Meister Eckhart
6. Julian of Norwich
7. The Our Father as Mystical Prayer
8. Origen on the Our Father
9. Cassian on the Our father
10. Teresa of Avila on the Our Father
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