Pauline Book Centre


A Short Span of Days: Meditation and Care for the Dying
Category: Books > Spirituality > Christian Meditation
ISBN / ID: 9789810841683
Publisher: Medio Media
Price: AU$16.95
Description: How is it possible that patients at the terminus of life have been known to say "This year has been the best year of my life". Death is a truth we try to constantly avoid or deny. But when confronted with the reality of it, we can only break down and disintegrate, or break through and transcend. Fr Lawrence shows how meditation opens the way to this breakthrough. In meditation, as we drop all immediate concerns and attachments and become silent, we experience loss and separation. We taste death, and our fear of it gradually loses its power over us, leaving us free to see life's ultimate horizon. In that new vision, we find meaning and the gift of wisdom.
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