Pauline Books and Media


Strangers with God: A Theology of Hospitality in the Three Abrahamic Religions
Category: Books > Church > Interfaith Dialogue
Author/Artist: CLAUDIO MONGE
ISBN / ID: 9781923006300
Publisher: ATF Press
Price: AU$37.95
Description: It is by letting ourselves be questioned by the challenge of living together in the complex society of our contemporary world that we become aware that the challenge of hospitality is not merely economic or political but also spiritual.

"Claudio Monge addresses one of the key questions of today with an extremely ancient text from the deepest roots of our civilisation, Genesis 18, in which Abraham welcomes the three strangers who come to his tent and announce the conception of Isaac. Today, when millions are in movement, fleeing war and poverty, the question of how we are to receive strangers is urgent and inescapable.

Monge explores this text through the traditions of three religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which claim the assent of approximately half of the population of the world. Yet these three religions, all looking back in one way or another to Abraham, are often strangers to each other. If we could offer welcome to each other, what a powerful sign of hope this would be for our conflict torn world!"
[from Timothy Radcliffe's Preface]
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