Pauline Book Centre


A School of Theology: Le Saulchoir
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
ISBN / ID: 9781922737922
Publisher: ATF Press
Price: AU$29.95
Description: This little book, published in 1937, was one of the most controversial works of Catholic theology in the first half of the 20th century. It describes how theology was practiced at Le Saulchoir, the house of studies of the French Dominican province then in exile in Belgium. There, a distinct "school of theology" had emerged, one that favoured critical historical investigation of the Christian tradition, including the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. More interested in locating Aquinas in his own time and place, than in drawing speculative conclusions from his works, it differed in orientation and methods from most other schools of theology at the time.

Despite its brevity, its limited initial audience, and its condemnation, this little book is historically significant. It represents a major trajectory of modern Catholic theology. Many of the ideas for which it was initially condemned were embraced at Vatican II and have since influenced the methods of contemporary Catholic theology.

This translation includes a critical introduction situating the book in its historical context and provides footnotes to assist readers in identifying persons, events, and ideas.
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