Pauline Books and Media


Bleiburg: Massacre of the Croatian People 1945
Category: Books > Biographies > Biographies
ISBN / ID: 9781922582775
Publisher: ATF Press
Price: AU$54.95
Description: This book tells the history of Croatia from its beginnings, defining the Croatian people, as an ancient people who inhabited the region between the Drava River and the Adriatic Sea from the seventh century onwards. The book then deals with the creation of the Independent State of Croatia during the Second World War. Mention is made of the suffering of the Slovene, German and Montenegrin peoples of the former Yugoslavia.

It is good to acknowledge the past with all the horrors of war and learn to forgive the mistakes that were made. It is also important to think of the present time and the future years to come and strive to improve our understanding of other people from different cultures and nations and not carry the hatred into future generations.

'This is a masterly book that can change lives. Zvonimir Gavranovic has spent a lifetime studying this and meditating on its wider meaning. His research is impressive, his findings are sure, and his application to everyday life is sound. He knows that nurturing hatred for wrongs done in the past is bad for you. Yet if he urges forgiveness, he does not want us to forget our bloody past. It is a nourishing book.'
Edmund Campion, Sydney.
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