The idea of a Jewish Church has been banned from the Christian horizon for almost two millennia. But since the middle of the 70s the Messianic Jewish movement has strived to build an ecclesial home for all Jewish believers in Christ.
What does it mean to be a Jew in the Church? Should there be a distinction between Jews and non-Jews among believers in Christ? Is such a distinction compatible with the unity of the whole Body of Christ so ardently preached by Paul?
In his various works, Mark Kinzer, a prominent Messianic Jewish theologian, has attempted to provide substantial answers to these questions. Antoine Lévy is a Dominican priest. With Kinzer, Lévy has launched the "Helsinki Consultation", a cross-denominational gathering of Jewish theologians. Lévy examines Kinzer's positions critically, bringing forward an alternative vision of what a "Jewish Church" could and should be. This is only the beginning of what promises to be a fascinating discussion.
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