Pauline Book Centre


A Caring Life: What fifty years in nursing has taught me about humanity, compassion and community
Category: Books > Biographies > Biographies
Author/Artist: KEITH COX
ISBN / ID: 9781760987251
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Price: AU$34.99
Description: As a nurse for nearly fifty years, Keith Cox provided expert care and comfort to countless people facing the unimaginable. With insight and sensitivity, A Caring Life takes us behind the scenes of his remarkable nursing career and the moving stories of hope, determination and loss that underpinned it.

Along the way, he shares lessons gained from a career spent confronting mortality, from finding joy in difficult circumstances to understanding that true strength comes in thinking of others and being part of a community.

Over the years, Keith has seen dramatic advances in medical treatment, as well as the limits of what medical intervention can achieve, which is why compassion and grace are his guiding principles, both on the ward and in his own life.

A Caring Life is the inspirational story of a nursing trailblazer who has learnt firsthand the value of human connection and kindness, in challenging times and in everyday life, and the satisfaction of living a life of service and meaning.
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