Pauline Books and Media


Forming a Community of Faith: A Guide to Success in Adult Faith Formation Today
Category: Books > Faith Formation > R.C.I.A.
Author/Artist: JANE E REGAN
ISBN / ID: 9781627850230
Publisher: Twenty Third Pub
Price: AU$29.95
Description: How can parishes engage people living in a postmodern world?

Jane Regan offers a commonsense approach to adult faith formation, showing us how to tap into adults' unique learning patterns and teach as Jesus did. "Through story and conversation, through example and shared interactions, we convey to others the reign of God," she says. "And we witness to a life shaped by gospel values."

"Some of the most important people in faith formation are often overlooked: adults. But how can parishes engage people living in a postmodern world - people who consider themselves "spiritual but not religious" and whose experiences and worldviews are as diverse as our parishes themselves?"

Educator Jane Regan explores what important church documents say about evangelization and catechesis, and how they play a crucial role in thriving adult faith communities. Then she offers practical ways parishes of all sizes and personalities can help people become true disciples.

A brief yet powerful book for RCIA teams, education advisory boards, and anyone who ministers to adults.
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