Pauline Books and Media


Earth's Journey Into Hope: Reflections on Thomas Berry's Great Work
Category: Books > Theology > Environmental Theology
ISBN / ID: 9781626985797
Publisher: Orbis
Price: AU$34.95
Description: On the 25th anniversary of publication of Thomas Berry's The Great Work, a pioneer in ecological theology offers insights not only to Berry's work but to the vital work before all of us.

While collective attention to and action for ecological justice has gained momentum in recent years it has been accompanied by a rise in despair, gloom, and an insidious fatalism in the face of multi-national intransigence.

Earth's Journey into Hope considers the impact of Berry's landmark text amid the dire immediacy of present ecological crises. With Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, Brian Edward Brown reflects on where we have been to energise today's movements for ecological well-being.

For all readers concerned with this dilemma Earth's Journey into Hope provides a way forward, encouraging us to remember our cosmic past and to step into our planetary future with the spiritual energy of Thomas Berry.
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