Pauline Books and Media


Care for Creation: A Call for Ecological Conversion
Category: Books > Church > Pope Francis
Books > Theology > Environmental Theology
Author/Artist: POPE FRANCIS
ISBN / ID: 9781626981898
Publisher: Orbis
Price: AU$38.95
Description: Pope Francis's historic encyclical Laudato Si' was not merely the first encyclical to address ecology and care for creation; it was the manifesto for a new humanism, an outline of the values and principles allowing us to live together in our common home. Drawing not only on that encyclical but on Pope Francis's extensive writings, speeches, and homilies, Care for Creation lays out his comprehensive vision of integral ecology. As Francis argues, concern for the earth is more than an ethical challenge - it calls for a profound conversion of values that involves a new understanding of our relation to God's Creation, both the Earth and its creatures, as well as our fellow human beings.
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