Pauline Books and Media


Come Holy Spirit: Inner Fire, Giver of Life, and Comforter of the Poor
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
ISBN / ID: 9781626981065
Publisher: Orbis
Price: AU$49.95
Description: One of the world's most creative theologians reflects on the role of the Holy Spirit in the birth of the cosmos, in humanity, in religion, in the life of the church, and in the hopes and struggles of the poor. Leonardo Boff shows, the presence of the Spirit is interwoven in the mysterious origins of the universe. That Spirit continues to be revealed through the history of humanity: in the spirit of renewal, change, and prophecy, in the history of the church and the struggles of our own time. For Boff, this theme, the fruit of a lifetime of reflection--takes on special urgency in a time of ecological peril, religious conflict, and oppression of the poor. For when the Spirit comes, "the corpses are filled with life and the wilderness becomes a garden. The poor are granted justice, the sick are restored to health, and we who are all sinners receive forgiveness and grace. This is our faith, and more than that, it is our undying hope."
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