Pauline Book Centre


A Culture of Engagement: Law, Religion and Morality
Category: Books > Theology > Moral Theology
ISBN / ID: 9781626163027
Publisher: Georgetown Uni Press
Price: AU$61.00
Description: Religious traditions in the United States are characterised by ongoing tension between assimilation to the broader culture, as typified by mainline Protestant churches, and defiant rejection of cultural incursions, as witnessed by more sectarian movements such as Mormonism and Hassidism. However, legal theorist and Catholic theologian Cathleen Kaveny contends there is a third possibility-a culture of engagement-in which religious faithful and contemporary culture can come together to encounter, challenge, contribute to, and correct one another. Focusing on five broad areas of interest-Law as a Teacher, Religious Liberty and Its Limits, Conversations about Culture, Conversations about Belief, and Cases and Controversies-Kaveny demonstrates how thoughtful and purposeful engagement can contribute to rich, constructive, and difficult discussions between moral and cultural traditions. This provocative collection of Kaveny's articles from Commonweal magazine, provides astonishing insight into a range of hot-button issues like abortion, assisted suicide, government-sponsored torture, contraception, the Ashley Treatment, capital punishment, and the role of religious faith in a pluralistic society. A Culture of Engagement is a welcome reminder of what can be gained when a diversity of experiences and beliefs is brought to bear on American public life.
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