Pauline Book Centre


O Lord, Open My Lips: The Psalms in the Liturgy
Category: Books > Scripture > Psalms
ISBN / ID: 9781616713102
Publisher: Liturgy Training Publicat
Price: AU$29.95
Description: Scripture scholar Dianne Bergant takes us inside the psalms, helping us see how and why they serve the liturgy so well, giving the assembly a voice in their communal encounter with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at every celebration. Grounding her exploration of the psalms in Pope Benedict's Apostolic Exhortation, Verbum Domini, she goes on to explain the theology the psalms for the ancient people of Israel, the theology they express for Christians of our time, their role in the Mass, in the sacraments, in the Liturgy of the Hours, in noneucharistic liturgies, and in our individual spiritual practices, such as Lectio divina.
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