There is a seismic shift necessary from being religious to being a true disciple. Here is the contemplative's perspective. It is an abiding sorrow to the author that many faithful religious people, even regular church goers, understand so little of the great truths they so sincerely profess to believe, especially among young people. Unless a real love for Jesus is awakened in their hearts, unless they have been helped to see something of the sheer wonder and beauty of the contents of the faith in which they are instructed, how can they withstand the atheism of our materialistic society? There is a vast difference between being religious and faith in God revealed in Jesus Christ.
There is an inner disturbance and distress among people today which can be a secret call from the Spirit to go beyond the externals to a purer, deeper faith, to an encounter, mysterious by its very nature, with the living and true God revealed in Jesus Christ. What seems so very simple is in fact shatteringly profound. This is the contemplative's genius.
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