Pauline Books and Media


From the Tools of Good Works to the Heart of Humility: A Commentary on Chapters 4 to 7 of Benedict's Rule
Category: Books > Spirituality > Classics
ISBN / ID: 9780814646618
Publisher: Liturgical Press
Price: AU$58.95
Description: In a new volume of her exegetical commentary, Sr. Aquinata Böckmann explores chapters 4–7 of the Rule of St. Benedict. They contain Benedict’s instruction of how to learn and live the spiritual art of monastic life that is focused on Christ. In her close reading of the text and its sources she pursues questions such as: How do general Christian rules help us to live in community? How does obedience lead us closer to Christ? How does silence build community? How does humility deepen our love for Christ and those around us? Never losing sight of the reality of monastic life, Sr. Aquinata weaves together Benedict’s wisdom and today’s challenges to show the crucial spiritual elements of his Rule.
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