Pauline Books and Media


Witnesses of Synodality: Good Practices and Experiences
Category: Books > Church > Church History
Author/Artist: JOS MOONS
ISBN / ID: 9780809156962
Publisher: Paulist Press
Price: AU$38.95
Description: "Synodality is not democracy but something well upstream of it. Reading these chapters, you realize just how much a healthy democracy depends on the virtues and practices of synodality... This is a journey of profound conversion now for the church. But not so long from now, its harvest will be reaped by humanity."
--from the foreword

In one of the readable chapters, Richard Lennan recounts that when the Australian Plenary Council deliberations ran into a divisive impasse over the issue of women's participation in ministry and leadership, instead of pressing on, dividing the assembly into opposing camps, they stopped the proceedings and, yes, created a process. After deep listening and prayer, consensus was created; the motions were clarified and strengthened. The impasse became a source of grace and growth.
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