Pauline Books and Media


Toward a Cosmic Theology: Christian Revelation and a Vast Universe
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
Author/Artist: THOMAS F O'MEARA
ISBN / ID: 9780809156863
Publisher: Paulist Press
Price: AU$32.95
Description: Toward a Cosmic Theology considers topics and areas from Christian revelation as they draw on forces and worlds, insights and developments now unfolded by science. An immense and evolving universe, its networks of structures, newly discovered planets, and minute particles offer approaches and insights to illumine revelation and life, unfolding the human and the divine, and their interplay.

The author draws on the theologies of earlier theologians like Origen, Thomas Aquinas, and more recent ones such as Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Douglas Vakoch, John Haught, and Jacques Arnould.
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