Pauline Books and Media


The Spiritual Exercises with Teilhard de Chardin
Category: Books > Spirituality > Ignatian Spirituality
ISBN / ID: 9780809156719
Publisher: Paulist Press
Price: AU$39.95
Description: This book presents a series of texts taken from the writings of Teilhard de Chardin, giving a new perspective on the traditional meditations of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola.

Teilhard de Chardin's spirituality must adapt to the new circumstances and desires of the modern world, influenced above all by the progress of science and technology. The meditations of the Exercises, devised by St. Ignatius from a static conception of the universe, must adapt today to the perspective of a dynamic world, developing from the Big Bang to this day, and continuing through human effort and work.

To Teilhard, the incarnation represents God's integration into the world in Christ, so that he is the end point, or Omega, and the entire evolution aims to him. In this way, if the world eventually evolves into its union with Christ, the cosmogenesis of evolution becomes a Cristogenesis, and finally, Christ's presence in the world leads us to consider the world itself as a divine milieu and a Christified world.
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