Pauline Book Centre


Hans Kung: A Revaluation
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
Author/Artist: PAUL LAKELAND
ISBN / ID: 9780809156184
Publisher: Paulist Press
Price: AU$69.95
Description: Swiss theologian Hans Kung was the most controversial of the European Catholic theologians who emerged at the time of Vatican II. He gained notoriety for challenging papal infallibility, but he also wrote at length on other topics, including justification, the Christian life, priesthood, global ethics, and interreligious dialogue.

This collection of essays examines Kung's theological legacy. Due to his mixed reputation and the diverse range of topics he addressed, a variety of scholars, including Susan Ross, Francis X. Clooney, Roger Haight, and Mary McAleese, offer fresh perspectives on his impact on the Church and its teachings. They analyse his writings, influence, and overall significance to provide a comprehensive reevaluation of his contributions.
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