"Understanding of the Eucharist as the celebration of forgiveness (see Matt 26:28) has faded from current Catholic thought and practice. Pope Francis is asking the Catholic Church to look again at this teaching, in the light of the Gospel and the authentic Tradition of the Church: "Our teaching on marriage cannot fail to be instructed and transformed by this message of love and tenderness, otherwise, it becomes nothing more than the defence of a dry and lifeless doctrine" (Amoris Laetitia 59)." - From the Preface
Eucharist as a Celebration of Forgiveness examines how we came to the "exclusive" and "need for holiness" criterion for admission to the eucharistic table. It summarizes how all the narratives indicate the celebration of forgiveness and provides the history and theology of legitimate"exclusion" from the eucharistic table. Finally, along with marriage and other sexuality questions, it presents a theology of Eucharist as forgiveness and its ethical consequences.
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