Pauline Books and Media


Dying and the Virtues
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
ISBN / ID: 9780802875488
Publisher: Wm Eerdmans
Price: AU$89.95
Description: In this book, Levering gives a compelling theological portrait of how the triune God is at work even amidst fear, suffering, and loss on our mortal journey, bringing life through the crucified and risen Lord. This portrait is framed in an exploration of the nine key virtues - love, hope, faith, penitence, gratitude, solidarity, humility, surrender, and courage. These virtues, Levering claims are needed in the process of dying and death. He illustrates this largely through offering insights from the lived experience of faithful witnesses and trustworthy companions who have reflected on encounters with death and dying.

In the processes of retrieving and engaging a variety of biblical, theological, historical, and medical resources, Levering journeys through the various stages and challenges of the dying process, beginning with the fear of annihilation and continuing through repentance and gratitude, suffering and hope, before arriving finally at the courage needed to say goodbye to one’s familiar world. Levering’s work offers understanding in regard to St. Paul’s words, “whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” He illuminates how death, which may seem like a loss and even an embarrassment, is in Christ actually an invitation to unite oneself to the Eternal One in a way and at a time that the world of the supposed ‘living’ can never really understand.”

Recommended uses;

Parish Priests, Pastoral Workers and Hospital Chaplains
Bereavement Counsellors
Those working in Palliative Care
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