Pauline Books and Media


The Whisper of Spirit: A Believable God Today
Category: Books > Spirituality > Spirituality Books
ISBN / ID: 9780802840424
Publisher: Wm Eerdmans
Price: AU$32.95
Description: This stirring work explores the nature of belief in God’s being, specifically discusses Christian belief in God’s love, and anticipates the shape of a future “phoenix” church to support and nourish that faith. In discussing a “believable” God today, Antony Campbell here addresses relevant, basic life questions: Who am I? Why are we here? What meaning is there?
First examining the fundamental fact of faith for all humans, whether theist or atheist, Campbell then turns to modern science, arguing that it has replaced outmoded science but not religious faith. He looks at how religion and science can coexist without clashing: science deals with the measurable and religion with the immeasurable. In exploring the basis for faith in God today, Campbell focuses throughout on the universal “whisper of spirit” deep within us, and he gives unique insights into the life of faith today and a vision for tomorrow.
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