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The Kingdom According to Luke and Acts: A Social, Literary, and Theological Introduction
Category: Books > Scripture > Luke
Author/Artist: KARL ALLEN KUHN
ISBN / ID: 9780801048876
Publisher: Baker
Price: AU$65.95
Description: This substantial, reliable introduction examines the character and purpose of Luke and Acts and provides a thorough yet economical treatment of Luke's social, historical, and literary context. Karl Allen Kuhn presents Luke's narrative as a "kingdom story" that both announces the arrival of God's reign in Jesus and describes the ministry of the early church, revealing the character of the kingdom as dramatically at odds with the kingdom of Rome. Kuhn explores the background, literary features, plotting, and themes of Luke and Acts but also offers significant, fresh insights into the persuasive force of Luke's impressively crafted and rhetorically charged narrative.


Introduction: The Heart of Luke's Witness to the Kingdom
Part 1: Luke and His World
1. Imperium Romanum: An Empire of Disparity and Want
2. Israelite Visions of the Kingdom
3. Luke's Place in Caesar's Kingdom: The Social Location of the Third Evangelist
Part 2: Luke's Narrative Artistry
4. The Building Blocks of Luke's Narrative
5. Plotting through Parallels
6. The Kingdom Story through Speech and Theme in Luke's Infancy Narrative
7. The Kingdom Story through Speech and Theme in Luke 24 and Acts of the Apostles
8. The Power and Prominence of Luke's Pathos
Part 3: Luke's Kingdom Story
9. Yahweh Is King and Lord of All
10. The Corruption and Redemption of Creation
Conclusion: Discerning Luke's Purpose
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