Pauline Books and Media


Bending Towards Justice: How Jesus is More Relevant than ever in the 21st Century
Category: Books > Theology > Social Justice
Author/Artist: NILS VON KALM
ISBN / ID: 9780648497745
Publisher: Coventry Press
Price: AU$24.95
Description: This is a series of reflections calling us to look more deeply into what the Gospel is and what it isn't. The author shows us that when Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God, he wasn't talking about a place set aside for us in the sky when we die; he was talking about the very rule of God right here on earth, in the form of justice, peace, and restored relationships with one another and with the very earth itself.

Nils von Kalm's greatest passion is to show how Jesus Christ is relevant to all of life,affecting every aspect of existence, from our relationships to our politics, our economics, our sexuality and our care for the earth.

Forged out of two decades of experience in the field of aid and development, as well as his own personal experiences, this is a passionate collection of stories and reflections that are at once thoughtful, hopeful, compassionate and confronting.

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