This revised, expanded yet concise edition of the book, Communal Discernment offers a practical response to Pope Francis’ call for a more synodal church. The structure s of such a model of church require the practice of communal discernment. Communal Wisdom treats discernment on an individual level, listening to the signs of the spirits in human experience, and then applies this to the parallel work of the spirits in community. The wisdom of a group is not only in the shared contribution of all members as in collective wisdom, but in the group as a whole listening to movements of the spirits in themselves and amongst themselves. This is identified as communal wisdom which emerges through listening, contemplation, and reflection which allows the emergence of the unknown and quite possibly the unexpected. Brian Gallagher builds on his years of experience in group facilitation. He offers concise explanations of the ways of God’s Spirit and spirits not-of-God in group experience and a step-by-step process for group decision making.
Recommended uses for this book
Facilitators of communal discernment in parish life, religious congregations and spiritual directors Parish groups preparing for the Plenary Council 2020 Parish Council Groups Religious Congregations especially leadership Teams
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