Pauline Books and Media


Catholic Theology: An Introduction
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
ISBN / ID: 9780631212966
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Price: AU$134.95
Description: •  An Introduction to Catholic Theology is an accessible but in-depth examination of the ways in which Catholic theology is rooted in and informs Catholic practice. It is written in an engaging style by two professors, Frederick Bauerschmidt, and James Buckley who have more than 50 years of classroom teaching experience between them. This is demonstrated particularly in the way the authors provide imaginative and jargon free explanations of difficult elements of the Catholic faith. The book provides an overview of all major theological areas, including scriptural, historical, philosophical, systematic, liturgical, and moral theology. It does this in a way that weaves together discussion of the Bible, historical texts, reflections by important theologians, and contemporary debates for a nuanced look at belief and practice within the Catholic faith. The account given of the Catholic theological landscape is informed, comprehensive, faithful but not partisan. It has been described as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the breadth and depth of Catholic theology.

Recommended uses for this book:
- It is appropriate for students of theology at all levels as it assumes no prior knowledge yet provides enough insight and substance to interest those more familiar with the topic
- Leaders in Religious Education who provide guidance to teachers involved in teaching religion especially to students at secondary and tertiary levels.
- Pastoral leaders who guide Parish faith study groups
- For Parish libraries as a source book. It has the capacity to provide an important reference point when differences of opinion around theological issues arise.
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