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Discovering Christianity: A Seeker's Guide to Faith and Theology
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
ISBN / ID: 9780281090631
Publisher: SPCK
Price: AU$29.95
Description: How does Jesus reveal God?
Who or what is the Holy Spirit?
Why do Christians treasure the Bible?
What's the point of theology?

Rowan Williams' guide to the essentials of the faith will get you thinking about God in fresh and exciting ways. It will help you to grasp the way in which the best Christian theology is arrived at through the creative interplay of scripture, tradition and reason. And it will help you develop a broader and deeper appreciation of the positive difference Christianity continues to make in the world today.

Brief, engaging and profoundly simple, this book takes you to the heart of what Christianity is all about, offering food for thought for a lifetime.
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