Pauline Book Centre


Jesus: A Very Brief History
Category: Books > Theology > Christology
Author/Artist: HELEN BOND
ISBN / ID: 9780281075997
Publisher: SPCK
Price: AU$19.95
Description: This brief history begins by assessing Jesus the man - his Jewish heritage, his message, his friends and enemies, and his eventual execution. Helen Bond then considers Jesus' legacy, starting with the accounts of his life in the New Testament. She also looks at other early portrayals of Jesus, at the spread of Jesus-devotion during the Middle Ages, and at what Jesus means to people today - both in the Church and in secular culture. The book has a brief chronology at the front plus a glossary of key terms and a list of further reading at the back.

Helen Bond is Professor of Christian Origins at the University of Edinburgh. She has written extensively on the Gospels, the historical Jesus and the emergence of Christianity, and has contributed to several documentaries for the BBC, Discovery and National Geographic channels.
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