Pauline Books and Media


St Mary MacKillop CD Hymns Mantras and Song
Category: Music > Music CDs > Music CDs
Author/Artist: MONICA BROWN
ISBN / ID: 9333007000188
Publisher: Emmaus Productions
Price: AU$25.00
Description: In celebration of the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop, this new CD features five hymns, mantras and a song. Suitable for all ages, and drawing inspirations from the life and sayings of Mary MacKillop,

Track listing:
1.  Mary Of The Cross – Song – All Ages
2.  St Mary Of The Cross Litany – Hymn – Adult Version
3.  St Mary Of The Cross Litany – Hymn – Youth Version
4.  Too Deep For Words – Mantra – Adult And Youth Version
5.  Too Deep For Words – Mantra – Children's Version
6.  Your God Is There – Mantra – Adult And Youth Version
7.  Your God Is There – Mantra – Children's Version
8.  St Mary MacKillop We Sing Praise – Hymn – Children
9.  Mary Of The Cross – Song – All Ages – Instrumental
10.  St Mary Of The Cross Litany – Hymn – Adult Version – Instrumental
11.  St Mary Of The Cross Litany – Hymn – Youth Version – Instrumental
12.  Too Deep For Words – Mantra – Adult And Youth Version – Instrumental
13.  Too Deep For Words – Mantra – Children's Version – Instrumental
14.  Your God Is There – Mantra – Adult And Youth Version – Instrumental
15.  Your God Is There – Mantra – Children's Version – Instrumental
16.  St Mary MacKillop We Sing Praise – Hymn – Children – Instrumental
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