Pauline Books and Media


Morning Prayer Evening Prayer CD VOL 3 Chants, Songs and Prayers
Category: Music > Music CDs > Music CDs
Publisher: OCP Publications
Price: AU$34.99
Description: Presents 32 spoken prayers, readings and meditations interspersed with music, hymns and chants in both English and Latin.

Track listing:
1.  Dawn: Call to Prayer
2.  Benedicamus Domino
3.  Divinum Auxilium
4.  Twilight: Call to Prayer
5.  Deus In Adjutorium
6.  Holy Spirit, Breath of God
7.  As a New Day Dawns
8.  That Today (Psalms 95 and 139)
9.  I Thank You, God
10.  Holy Immortal
11.  Scripture Reading: As God's Chosen Ones
12.  Lift Me Up
13.  Kyrie Eleison
14.  When Peace Shall Flourish
15.  Ave Maria
16.  Praise to You
17.  Agnus Dei
18.  I Know That My Redeemer Lives
19.  Faithful God (Psalm 4)
20.  Face of God
21.  Hear, O God, My Prayer
22.  Alleluia
23.  Gospel Reading: The Magnificat
24.  God Is Light
25.  Miserere
26.  Salve Mater
27.  Our Father
28.  Creator God
29.  In Manus Tuas
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