Pauline Books and Media


Prayer Chants 5 CDS
Category: Music > Music CDs > Music CDs
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
Price: AU$59.95
Description: The rich, relaxing style of the chants in this collection will provide hours of continuous ambient music. A valuable resource for prayer services, beautiful and contemplative settings by the three major contemporary composers in this genre: Keith Duke, Geoffrey Nobes and Margaret Rizza.

Track listing:
Disc 1
1.  A blessing - Music
2.  A Celtic blessing - Music
3.  Adoramus te, Domine Deus - Music
4.  All you nations - Music
5.  Be still - Music and words
6.  Be still and know - Music
7.  Benedictus - Music
8.  Calm me, Lord - Music
9.  Calm me, O Lord - Music
10.  Celtic prayer - Music
11.  Christ before me - Music
12.  Christ in quiet - Music
13.  Christ yesterday and today - Music
14.  Circle me, Lord - Music
15.  Come, be with me - Music and words
16.  Come, Creator Spirit - Music
17.  Come, Holy Dove - Music

Disc 2
1.  Come, Lord Jesus (Maranatha) - Music
2.  Come, my Lord, my light, my way - Music
3.  Come to me - Music
4.  Create in me a pure heart - Music
5.  Creator Spirit, come - Music
6.  Dona nobis pacem, Domine - Music
7.  Exaudi nos, Domine - Music and words
8.  Funeral blessing - Music
9.  God’s power to guide me - Music
10.  Hear us and help us - Music
11.  Here am I, Lord - Music
12.  I am the vine - Music
13.  I will tread the earth lightly - Music and words
14.  In nomine - Music
15.  In the Lord is my joy - Music and words
16.  Inpoured Spirit - Music
17.  Invocation to the Creator - Music

Disc 3
1.  Keep watch with me - Music
2.  Kyrie, eleison - Music
3.  Kyries - Music
4.  Let the peace of the Father - Music
5.  Let your beauty shine - Music
6.  Light of God to give us hope - Music
7.  Light us up - Music
8.  Magnificat - Music
9.  Mandatum novum - Music
10.  May we see the face of Christ - Music
11.  Miserere nobis, Domine - Music
12.  My peace - Music
•  Domine, O Christe - Music
•  Lord, listen to my prayer - Music

Disk 4
1.  Lord, my heart is not proud - Music
2.  Open my eyes Music
3.  Peace I leave with you - Music
4.  Peace is flowing like a river - Music
5.  Prayer of St Teresa - Music
6.  Sanctum nomen - Music
7.  Saviour of my soul - Music
8.  See him - Music and words
9.  Seek, and you will find - Music
10.  Shalama - Music
11.  Silent, surrendered - Music
12.  Spirit Divine - Music and words
13.  The Lord is my light - Music
14.  The love of Christ - Music

Disc 5
1.  The love of God - Music
2.  This is the day - Music
3.  To the Creator - Music
4.  Travellers’ prayer - Music
5.  Ubi caritas - Music
6.  Veni, lumen cordium - Music
7.  Veni Sancte Spiritus - Music
8.  We come - Music
9.  We come into your presence - Music
10.  You, Lord, are in this place - Music
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