Pauline Books and Media


The Church in a Secular Age
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
ISBN / ID: 9781532632792
Publisher: Pickwick Publications
Price: AU$59.95
Description: How can the church navigate the challenges of our secular age? Silje Kvamme Bjorndal takes on three dynamic thinkers, each in their own way, in search for insights to this question. Philosopher Charles Taylor offers the backdrop for the conversation, as Bjorndal carefully sifts out some of his most central tenets for understanding our secular age.

Bjorndal then turns to the theologian and ethicist Stanley Hauerwas and critically engages his notion of the church as a community set apart from our secular age. By bringing several of Hauerwas’s interlocutors into the conversation, Bjorndal manages to bring out both the acute relevance and the shortcomings of his ecclesiology. Considering the undeveloped pneumatological undercurrent in Hauerwas’s work, it proves fruitful to engage the leading Pentecostal scholar Amos Yong and his foundational pneumatology.

This engagement results in a shift of agency, from the community to the Spirit. And keeping up the dialogue with Taylor’s secular age, Bjorndal demonstrates how the Spirit’s agency is crucial for the church as it attempts to navigate the particular challenges and opportunities of a secular age.
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