Pauline Books and Media


Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship
Category: Books > Biographies > Biographies
ISBN / ID: 9781476726168
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Price: AU$33.95
Description: In his first book, Tattoos on the Heart, Gregory Boyle introduced us to Homeboy Industries, the largest gang-intervention program in the world. Now, after the organisation's successful expansion, Boyle returns with Barking to the Choir to reveal how compassion is transforming the lives of gang members.

In a nation deeply divided and plagued by poverty and violence, Barking to the Choir offers a snapshot into the challenges and joys of life on the margins. Sergio, arrested at age nine, in a gang by age twelve, and serving time shortly thereafter, now works with the substance-abuse team at Homeboy to help others find sobriety. Jamal, abandoned by his family when he tried to attend school at age seven, gradually finds forgiveness for his schizophrenic mother. New father Cuco, who never knew his own dad, thinks of a daily adventure on which to take his four-year-old son. These former gang members uplift the soul and reveal how bright life can be when filled with unconditional love and kindness.
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