Pauline Books and Media


For a Missionary Reform of the Church: The Civilta Cattolica Seminar
Category: Books > Church > Church History
ISBN / ID: 9780809153480
Publisher: Paulist Press
Price: AU$99.99
Description: In the Fall of 2015, the Jesuit periodical La Civiltà Cattolica hosted a seminar in Rome on the theme "reform of the Church and reforms in the Church". Participants were an international group of men and women, experts in the fields of ecclesiology, history, ecumenism, canon law, and pastoral theology. The objective is to present an articulated set of stimuli and proposals for the deepening and continuation of the reform of the Catholic Church through concrete reforms in the Church. In these thirty essays, the authors explore the issue Ecclesia semper reformanda - the Church must continually reform - starting from the renewal called for by the Second Vatican Council in the Church's structure and expression of doctrine. Rather than provide mere reflections, the participants also offered concrete suggestions for action and reform. It covers both the re-form of personal and communal Christian life and the transformation of ecclesial structures.

With the publication of these essays, it is hoped that the reflections of the participants will reach a wider audience and inspire others to think about the issues related to ecclesial renewal and make their own contributions to the dialogue.
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